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Monsieur Inwood

The house of Victor Hugo


The house of Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo's universe

Dear Readers,

Younger, when I was at school, my French teachers made me discover few writers. Since these years, I particularly retain Victor Hugo. Les Misérables, Les Contemplations, Notre-Dame de Paris… So many hours passed to read, discover, study without noticing time pass. Victor Hugo juggles with words, plays with sentences and bring us in a Paris of a few decades ago, a scene where people take life and show us their stories, through the writings of the author.

Victor Hugo has created in me a passion for literature. This is how, some time ago, I decided to visit his house, which became a museum. His universe, at my fingertips, maybe I will discover his source of inspiration. I arrived, Place des Vosges, in front of the house, flooded by sun. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine of Victor Hugo’s time, the comings and goings. I entered inside the house. Arrived in the antechamber, I observed the furniture and canvases. Walls and grounds dived me in the 19th century. I continued my path to the red living room.

A source of inspiration

I thought about the ignited debates which took place here, in this room. The place where artists meet themselves to talk until the end of the night. Here, the ideas took shape and busted out in the airs.  I directed myself toward the Chinese living-room and the dining room, rooms which illustrate the decorator’s gift of the writer, unknown until today. Then, I went to the small living room where works are momentarily exposed.  I went next to the working cabinet. A bust of the author, his portrait…  The essence of the writer, the history, is there.  My visit ends with his room and his writing place, where the pen on the paper, Victor Hugo made us living his stories.

I get out from the house, trying to live the 19th century. I cross the city, imagining the cabman, the house-drawn, and, if I close my eyes and I am concentrating, I almost can hear the sound of the horses' hooves on the cobblestone. I think about Victor Hugo, the man, the author; this artist which the name resonates in my head and who, one day, told « the most beautiful patrimony is a revered name ».

See you soon!

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