Writing or the art of highlighting words is a recognised artistic discipline that has a very strong reputation in France.
Indeed, the influence of great French writers but also the scope that words can have played a major role in the establishment of French society today. A large number of famous writers in the world are French and also the greatest literary distinctions.
One of them, Le Prix Goncourt, is always considered to be the ultimate consecration that a writer can obtain. This reputation can be explained both by his history and by the quality of the works awarded.
Being a great passionate reader of literature, I am one of those readers who buy the winning book every year and I’m never disappointed.
Is a family habit because it’s comes from my father. Indeed, during my childhood, I remember that he always went to his favorite bookstore, Le Regard Moderne. An unusual and crazy place in which piles of books replace the walls. It’s good to go in this store to buy classic works of literature or to find rare and much less famous pearls. He went there at the beginning of November to buy this famous novel that won Le Prix Goncourt and I reassure you... a copy was always reserved for him!
A family tradition that I keep alive even if I confess to buying this book in a big store and not in the bookstore dear to my father.
Reading the winning book is therefore of particular significance to me and always represents an immense joy that is a pleasure to enjoy every year. Between writing skills and nostalgia for the past, I will continue to buy Le Prix Goncourt for many years to come...