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Monsieur Inwood

Gaston beyond Lagaffe


Gaston beyond Lagaffe

Nostalgia for children

My dear readers,

It is strange to say to ourselves once we are adult that we did not taken enough advantage of the sands of time. This does not prevent us from living, it does not express a regret but rather a desire to find these simple moments. Those moments of innocence where we had time to take care of ourselves and to only do what we liked.

It was by passing through the window of bookstore that a flashback awakened my recollections was buried in my memory.

In my youth, when I had the time, I liked to read, I enjoyed the prose of great author but it was not exclusively for these readings that I enjoyed the most. It was at the opening of a comic book that I felt a very special excitement. One of my favorites was Gaston Lagaffe.

Nostalgic of this moment, I inquired about a possible exhibition of this personage imagined by the famous draughtsman André Franquin.

« Gaston beyond Lagaffe »

Fortunately, an exhibition opens its doors from December 7th till April 10th, 2017 at the Pompidou Center. The title of this exhibition already fanned my curiosity « Gaston beyond Lagaffe ».

The exhibition proposed by the Public Library of Information proposes a fresh look regarding the importance of this character who will have trained its creator beyond the youth comics. Indeed, the blunder revealing himself with a certain recoil, subversive, militant, beatnik, ecological and ultimately bearers of very emblematic questions of our time especially the way of living in our society.

This exhibition comes from as an echo of the editorial program anniversary of the character carried by the Dupuis editions whose highlight will be the new edition of the series Gaston. Original plates and editions, unpublished drawings, photographs, inventions and gags of all kinds will rediscover a Gaston which overflow all the talent and audacity of André Franquin.

Appearing for the first time on 28th February of 1957 in the pages of Spirou's newspaper, Gaston Lagaffe celebrates his 60th birthday in 2017. The « unemployed hero » created by Franquin gives us hope to start the year 2017 with a smile.

Dear readers, I wish you a pleasant evening by quoting you a famous Latin maxim « Sow from your childhood, you will gather sweet fruit in your old age. »

See you soon !


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