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Monsieur Inwood

Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève


Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève

A book, a library

Dear Readers,

Today, I wanted to share a passion with you : literature.

Literature is, according to me, synonymous of sharing. Read or write , it is the fact to share a thought, an experience to make his reader living or live through a reading. Read… How this word sounds well to my ears ! I remind me, when I was a child, when I was learning to read… My mother often found me, hidden in my bed when I was supposed to sleep, electric lamp in a hand, skimming books, feeding myself with words…. Years later, this need hasn’t leave me yet. Added to that, the desire to write !

A historic building

This is how I am, right now, in the Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève, writing those few words, in the aim of giving you the envy to know this place. This building dating from 1851 give us the knowledges throught its 2 billions of documents. I love to be there, in the sections, going here and there, and find a rare gem. Other times, I prefer sitting and, pushed by the building’s inspiration, I write my throughts, my actions, my projects….  Ranked as one of the most beautiful libraries of Paris, this building is, according to me, source of inspiration. And, when the time of closure is coming, I always have a little heartache with the idea of leaving this place, even if I know that I will rediscover this place with happiness, as a friend that we have lost touch with.

After the closure, it is often at the hotel, Le Tourville, that I love to keep up my writing’s envy, or reading. Settled in the sofa, surrounded by a vintage typewriter and french literature, I love to lose myself again in books, as during my childhood. When I stop to read, this is the words of Joseph Addison, creator of the newspaper « The Spectator » which resonate in my head « Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body ».

See you soon !

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